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Payment Plan
Estimated Fee Breakdown
$295 with Banquet
$245 without Banquet
$65 Registration
$80 UniformsX2
$25 Gift
$15 Shirt
$30 Events
$10 Organization Equipment
$20 Administration Fee
$50 Banquet (Optional)
**Additional $50 fee if your child is renting football tackle equipment.
$480 with Banquet
$430 without Banquet
$50 Registration
$175 Uniform/Props
$25 Shoes
$35 Rainy Day Outfit
$50 Gifts
$20 Music
$15 Shirt
$30 Events
$10 Organization Equipment
$20 Admin Fee
$50 Banquet (Optional)
League Fees/Registration
Football Equipment Rental
Due to the rising cost of Football Equipment we are no longer including football equipment in our fees. If you need to RENT football equipment. You will need to get a rental ticket from the Treasurer. Rental Fee is $50, at end of season your rental slip must be endorsed that equipment
has been turned in or your name will go on list that you owe us for un-returned equipment. Your child's name will be reported to MD1 and you will not be able to sign up for any team in MD1 until equipment is returned or value of equipment has been paid.